I'm not being bitter. I just lost my career, my freedom...myself. So, why should I be bitter?
My day starts at 6 am--sometimes 5, depends on what time Kiel decides to bug me. I'm a light sleeper nowadays so it doesn't matter what time he wakes up. At 6--or 5, I sit up in bed, amusing the cute little cuddly thing squirming next to me--pulling at my shirt, trying to get my attention--or my breast. When he gets tired of my 'pretending to be asleep', he will start bawling--now, you can't possibly ignore that. When a baby cries, it cries like nobody ever loves him. You try to prove it wrong by carrying it, cuddling it, and 'shhh-ing' it. So, I carry him with me to the balcony. We try to catch sunlight from there. He likes staring at roof tops while feeling the soft breeze on his face--with eyes half close. But I'm not fooled--I know he's very much awake. Half an hour later we will wake up Daddy. Daddy will carry Kiel while Mommy--well, we all know who that is by now--prepares Kiel's breakfast. Breakfast is a tablespoon of cereal and milk.
8 am. Nap time--if he's not so hyperactive. I put on classical music to calm him down...relax him...and slowly lull him to sleep. Fifteen minutes later, he's up again--oh, how time flies! Daddy will keep Kiel company while Mommy prepares his bath.
Bathing is such a fun time for Kiel--if he's in the mood for it. It can be pretty stressful if he choose to have a lung exercise. His hands are still small to grasp his rubber duckies--yes, plural. He's got 6 rubber duckies.
Sometimes Kiel sleeps after bath, sometimes he doesn't. It doesn't matter, Mommy and Daddy take turns in keeping him company but his constant playmate is Mommy. Kiel seems to be very particular with the sex of the person holding him--he prefers females most of the time.
11 am. Lunchtime. Lunch is cereal and veggie or fruit mush. I don't know why books keep calling it 'solids'--it's pretty much all mush to me.
12 pm. Afternoon nap. Sometimes he sleeps longer--or shorter. I really can't figure out the determining factor for longer sleep for babies--We've basically tried everything--but even the dogs barking gets him out of slumber. So, if he's awake for the rest of the afternoon--it's playtime.
Thirty minutes before 6 pm is dinner. Dinner is same as lunch--good thing Kiel is not picky.
I've got no reason to be bitter. I've got a new career being Mommy, a different kind of freedom and a whole new life ahead of me. No need to be bitter.
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